Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Little Inspiration

I've had this idea in the back of my mind; a Bible Reading Plan that contains, with each day, some interesting video or artwork. For example, let's say you're reading about the Exodus. What would the parting of the Red Sea look like from Google Maps?

If a reading plan contained a handful of images like this in each entry (artistic re-imaginings, performing arts, images that connect the Scriptures with our daily living), then I would tune in to see what came next.

Let's say you have a few more minutes to spend and you're in John 1. Here is a video of a dance/spoken word piece that beautifully demonstrates the story of the Gospel. The tap dancer is Jesus, the rapper is John the Baptist, and the other dancers are us.

"Words and Pictures" - Urbana 09 from InterVarsity twentyonehundred on Vimeo.

I remember seeing this performance at the Urbana Conference in 2009. At the time it really helped me to appreciate John 1 (and Genesis 1) in a new way. Of course the art of this Bible Reading Plan would, hopefully, just add to the reader's excitement to discover the biblical text. The Bible is vibrant, thrilling, and can shape our daily lives because the Bible is the primary way God speaks into our lives.

What do you think? Would you spend a few minutes each day visiting a reading plan like that?

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