Here are some of the highlights of my day today:
Most heart-wrenching:
Watching a video of Tim Kasher play the narrative-propelled song, "Album of the Year." Tim is moodily strumming along the first chord, steps forward and right before he pushes himself against the mic for the first lyric, a female voice desperately shouts from the audience, "Think of her!"
Imagine you are Tim. You've written these songs, recorded them on a cd and now are touring around. The song has probably become routine, you're in another city on another stage, who knows where. doesn't matter. and out shouts this girl, "Think of her!"
I hope he did think of her.

Josh and I watched Evil Dead 2 today. There is a point in the film where the character Ash is frantically searching for a chain saw in a dilapidated tool shed. As he wrenches a curtain back and finds a chalked outline for the missing weapon, his beheaded girlfriend suddenly bursts through the door, wielding the chain saw and thrashing her skinless body, pushing him back against the wall. And it was in that over-the-top-cartoonish-blood-spewing-as-if-from-a-firehose moment that I knew this movie was going to be one of my new favorites.
Signing the final paperwork for my new condo. Monday I should have my keys. Suddenly words like "mortgage" and "equity" have weight and texture. I am getting old and ... well, I'm getting old.
Fortunately the new stimulus package is putting a hefty tax credit in my pocket (eventually) and because of the poor real estate market I'm running away with a steal!! Yeah-ah.
So what's new?
*Read: Anthem by Ayn Rand
*Heard: The Russian bard Vladimir Vysotsky singing Koni Priviredliviye
*Saw: The photography of Julia Fullerton-Batten. Check out her work at http://www.juliafullerton-batten.com/
*Excited for: My brother Aaron is writing a one man show for his final undergrad thesis. The other day he mentioned that he was thinking of writing parts of the show from the perspectives of his family members. He was pseudo asking for permission and I gave it to him, knowing whatever he uses might be painful or embarrassing. I'm looking forward to see the final product --- I know my brother is putting his heart and soul into it.