I just finished The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs, a book about what it's like reading the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica. The book is a celebration of learning. It's about the randomness and the interconnectedness of things. And it's about the absurdities of history. Each bite-sized entry (to go along with various topics found in the encyclopedia) is funny, interesting, and quick. Great read.
I too enjoy learning new things. I'm determined to brush up on my Spanish this year (because I'm finding opportunities at work to give it a try). We're now in the final quarter of the year so I'm calculating how much catch-up I would have to do to get back on track with the 2016 Reading Plan I started. Anyway, learning and discovery make life more interesting. You agree?
Here are some of the recent finds I've made for my "Life-Sized Word Search" personal challenge:
Stranger Room by Fred Ramsey: 100 ad hominem, 134 addition and advice, 150 acceptable.
Know-it-All by A.J. Jacobs: 4 addiction and adult, 5 adversary, 7 a-ak, 9 addled, abolitionism, abominable, 11 aardwolves, abalone, 13 aaah, 64 adornment, 96 absinthe, 268 acne, 292 aback, 293 adrift, 349 abbot, 359 abstruse, 363 aboriginal.
The Bible: Abound in Philippians 1
Bible commentary: While reading a Bible commentary I stumbled across the word abrogation
In hospital setting: abdominal
In a video game (world of warcraft): Ace