Recently I’ve used this blog to chronicle some ways I’m trying to grow in faith. For example, in 2015 I found a piece of art/media for every passage in the Bible. These challenges may seem silly (because they are) but really it’s just a fun way to spark some creativity.
What challenge could you set for yourself? Do you have any hobbies that you could harness for discipleship?
One of my “games” in 2016 is tackling the Reading Challenge put together by Tim Challies at Visual Theology. We’re getting closer to June so I wanted to give an update on how it’s going. I post reviews of each of these books on my Goodreads account (which is like Facebook for readers).
The Light Reader
✓ 1. A book about Christian living. An Infinite Journey by Andrew Davis
✓ 2. A biography. No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by David Hazard
_ 3. A classic novel
_ 4. A book someone tells you "changed my life”. Any suggestions?
_ 5. A commentary on a book of the Bible. I might do Colossians and Philemon by Murray J. Harris
✓ 6. A book about theology. Knowing God by J.I. Packer
✓ 7. A book with the word "gospel" in the title or subtitle. Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus by Mike Slaughter
✓ 8. A book your pastor recommends. The Christian as Minister by Sharon Rubey
✓ 9. A book more than 100 years old. Selected Essays: Montaigne.
✓ 10. A book for children. EverWorld: The Realm of the Reaper by K.A. Applegate.
_ 11. A mystery or detective novel. I’m working on Stranger Room: An Ike Schwartz Mystery by Frederick Ramsay
✓ 12. A book published in 2016. The Road to Little Dribbling by Bill Bryson
_ 13. A book about a current issue. I’m working on Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate by Justin Lee
The Avid Reader
_ 14. A book written by a Puritan. Any suggestions?
✓ 15. A book recommended by a family member. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
✓ 16. A book by or about a missionary. The Baboon Chase edited by Don W. Mills
_ 17. A novel that won the Pulitzer Prize
✓ 18. A book written by an Anglican. The Anglican Vision by James E. Griffiss
_ 19. A book with at least 400 pages
✓ 20. A book by C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien. The Business of Heaven: Daily Readings from C.S. Lewis
✓ 21. A book that has a fruit of the Spirit in the title. A Separate Peace by John Knowles
_ 22. A book with a great cover
_ 23. A book on the current New York Times list of bestsellers.
_ 24. A book about church history
✓ 25. A graphic novel. Batman, Death by Design by Chip Kidd.
✓ 26. A book of poetry. The House on Marshland by Louise Gluck.
The Committed Reader
_ 27. A book from a theological viewpoint you disagree with
_ 28. A book written by an author with initials in their name
✓ 29. A book that won a ECPA Christian Book Award. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas
_ 30. A book about worldview
✓ 31. A play by William Shakespeare. The Tempest by William Shakespeare.
✓ 32. A humorous book. Yes Please by Amy Poehler
_ 33. A book based on a true story.
_ 34. A book written by Jane Austen
_ 35. A book by or about Martin Luther
✓ 36. A book with 100 pages or less. Stones in His Pockets by Marie Jones.
_ 37. A book with a one-word title.
_ 38. A book about money or finance
_ 39. A novel set in a country that is not your own.
_ 40. A book about music
_ 41. A memoir.
_ 42. A book about joy or happiness.
✓ 43. A book by a female author. Someday, Someday, Maybe by Lauren Graham.
_ 44. A book whose title comes from a Bible verse
_ 45. A book you have started but never finished
✓ 46. A self-improvement book. Energize, 100 Natural Ways to Recharge by Liz Wilde and Carol Morley
_ 47. A book by David McCullough
✓ 48. A book you own but have never read. Essential German Grammar by Guy Stern
_ 49. A book about abortion
_ 50. A book targeted at the other gender
_ 51. A book by a speaker at a conference you have attended
✓ 52. A book written by someone of a different ethnicity than you. Shake Loose My Skin by Sonia Sanchez.
The Obsessed Reader
✓ 53. A book published by The Banner of Truth. You Must Read by Joel R. Beeke
_ 54. A book about the Reformation
_ 55. A book written by a first-time author
_ 56. A biography of a world leader
_ 57. A book used as a seminary textbook
✓ 58. A book about food. candy freak by Steve Almond
✓ 59. A book about productivity. How Did I Get So Busy? by Valorie Burton
✓ 60. A book about or relationships or friendship. Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar by Cheryl Strayed
_ 61. A book about parenting
_ 62. A book about philosophy
✓ 63. A book about art. Heart to Heart: New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art edited by Jan Greenberg
✓ 64. A book with magic. The Thief by Claire North
_ 65. A book about prayer
_ 66. A book about marriage
_ 67. A book about a hobby
✓ 68. A book of comics. Charlie Brown
✓ 69. A book about the Second World War. In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin by Erik Larson
✓ 70. A book about sports. Can I Keep My Jersey?: Eleven Teams, Six Years, Five Countries, and My So-called Career as a Professional Basketball Player by Paul Shirley
✓ 71. A book by or about a pastor’s wife. I’m More Than the Pastor’s Wife: Supporting Your Husband’s Ministry Without Losing Your Identity by Lorna Dobson
_ 72. A book about suffering.
✓ 73. A book by your favorite author. The Serpent by Claire North
_ 74. A book you have read before
_ 75. A book about homosexuality
_ 76. A Christian novel
✓ 77. A book about psychology. Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You by Sam Gosling
_ 78. A book about the natural world
_ 79. A book by or about Charles Dickens
_ 80. A novel longer than 400 pages
✓ 81. A historical book. Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States by Dave Barry
_ 82. A book about the Bible
✓ 83. A book about a country or city. Tales of Iceland by Stephen Markley
_ 84. A book about astronomy
✓ 85. A book with an ugly cover. Love Poems for The Very Married by Lois Wyse
_ 86. A book by or about a martyr
_ 87. A book by a woman conference speaker
_ 88. A book by or about the church fathers
✓ 89. A book about language. A Little Book of Language by David Crystal
_ 90. A book by or about a Russian
✓ 91. A book about leadership. Intuitive Leadership: Embracing a Paradigm of Narrative, Metaphor, and Chaos
✓ 92. A book about public speaking. Backward and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays by David Ball
_ 93. A book by Francis Schaeffer
✓ 94. A book by a Presbyterian. Coffee with Calvin Daily Devotions by Donald McKim
✓ 95. A book about science. The Science of Michael Crichton edited by Kevin Grazier
_ 96. A book about revival
✓ 97. A book about writing. bird by bird by Anne Lammott and On Writing by Stephen King
✓ 98. A book about evangelism. Growing Your Faith by Giving it Away: Telling the Gospel Story with Grace and Passion by R. York Moore
✓ 99. A book about ancient history. Ancient Puzzles: Classic Brainteasers and Other Timeless Mathematical Games of the Last Ten Centuries by Dominic Olivastro
✓ 100. A book about preaching. The Supremacy of God in Preaching by John Piper
✓ 101. A book about the church. The Church Case Scenario by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz
✓ 102. A book about adoption: From Ashes to Africa by Josh Bottomly
✓ 103. A photo essay book. God Left Us Alone Here, A Book of War by John Gaps III
✓ 104. A book written in the twentieth century. Barrel Fever: Stories and Essays by David Sedaris
Extra Credit
✓ 105. A book from a library. NPR: The First Forty Years
_ 106. A book about business
_ 107. A book by an author less than 30
_ 108. A book published by a UK-based publisher
_ 109. A book you borrow