Friday, February 7, 2014

Is Facebook a Good Place for Debate?

Have you ever found yourself debating someone on the public wall of a Facebook page?

My wife will often mention to me that she is about to post a comment which might be taken as controversial, or debating something that someone already said. Without fail I always say the same thing, "Just send a private message. Don't get into a conversation like that on the wall. No good can come of it."

So earlier this week when Bill Nye "the Science Guy" and Ken Ham (president of Answers in Genesis) publicly debated whether Creationism was a viable scientific model, I uncharacteristically posted a status to get some dialogue started up.

Now it's a few days later and I realize I have been launching into mini-manifestos, not just quick, tiny comments. Maybe I should have heeded my own advice; send a private message. No good can come of this.

Do you agree? What are your thoughts on the merits (or lack thereof) of debate on Facebook walls?

And just for fun, here is the debate as well as a more scientific conversation with Stephen Meyer about Intelligent Design. By posting these videos I'm not saying I agree with the thoughts presented but I do think it's worthwhile to hear the topic explored from different angles.


1 comment:

  1. If you are planning to use Facebook as a debate podium, as some of my FB friends do, it is a good idea to surround yourself with people who like/love you...regardless of your opinions. I have unfriended bunches of people over things they have posted, and I'm assuming bunches have unfriended me, too. That's OK, as long as you are ready for it. Most people like to keep FB more light-hearted. It doesn't mean they don't have strong opinions, it just means they want to keep their friends. :-)
