Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stretch Your Comfort Zone through Faith

[The following opinion column can be found in this week's edition of the Algona Upper Des Moines newspaper]

How important would something have to be for you to step outside your comfort zone? I came face to face with that question a few weeks ago when I had the chance to travel to Haiti, a place where nothing would feel familiar.

My team was traveling to an orphanage with emergency supplies of baby formula, diapers, and baby clothes. These 400 pounds of items were donated by members of my church but also their friends, neighbors, and coworkers. I felt honored to represent my church and my town in delivering these gifts. Still, why me? Was it really necessary that I go?

While at the orphanage I held babies that had been abandoned by their parents. Some of these newborns had been left on the side of the road to die. Now that they were rescued and had formula, they would have a chance to live. My decision to come on this trip had impacted lives. Still, why me? Couldn’t someone else have come in my place?

My senses were overloaded. My ears filled with the strange words of a language I didn’t understand, the honks of cars swerving without traffic laws, and the constant shouts of “blanc!” meaning “white person!” In my nostrils, I felt the burn of garbage piles on the side of the road. In my teeth, I tasted the remnants of the goat, rice, and plantains that my team had for lunch.

All around me, children tugged on my shirt because they wanted to be lifted and held. These experiences are not quickly forgotten but still, why me? God does not need my help to reach the people of Haiti.

The answer to “why?” is that God nudged me to go. Maybe, just maybe, God is using this article to nudge you to go too. After all, God knows that we grow most vibrantly when we are outside our comfort zones. God wants to bring us to a place where we are depending on His strength because in that place, we will have a deeper understanding of His grace.

Last week we celebrated the lengths that God would go through to show someone how much He loves them. As Romans 5:8 shares, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” The question is, how far will we go to share God’s love with others? Take a step this week; ask your pastor or missions director for an opportunity to serve.

To hear from the missionaries that live and work at this orphanage in Haiti, be our guest at Algona First United Methodist Church on Saturday, April 26, for 5 p.m. worship and 6 p.m. questions and refreshments. Thank you and have a great week.

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